Wednesday, July 1, 2009

GPS in everyday use

GPS, though originally developed for military purposes happen to be indispensable in daily life today. When we name GPS the pictures of satellite, vehicles tracking and navigation systems flash in mind at once. But today there have been multiple uses of technology apart from vehicle-tracking and map navigation for all practical purposes in daily routine life.

Example of practical uses of the technology follow as below:

  1. Pocket-sized GPS tracker device ( sometimes in the form of temper-proof bracelet) is provided by several companies which keeps informing you about the location of your child as well as of your elderlies.
  2. We can set a road plan with marked points of interests to save time and energy as well and can lead to optimum utilization of the resources.
  3. In case of any emergency or accident one can call for help at the exact location without loss of time.
  4. A personal map of travelling spots of your own choice can be prepared with the details of travelling time and route plan.
  5. You can reach any destination in shortest time by using shortest route with the help of GPS.
  6. In case of loss of luggage while travelling GPS helps finding it before it is damaged or gets out of sight.
  7. Again it can keep track of family members in a crowded place such as fair or some meeting.
  8. Even while being separated from group on a tourist place you can easily find them by GPS device

Apart from the above mentioned there are many other purposes in which global positioning system (GPS) is being used. Though GPS signal system gets obstructed by stone structures still it has become a part of life. The technology is being updated to avoid such limitations. Educational aspect of the technology makes it popular among people. With the help of the technology a location-based cell phone game has been introduced.

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